What To Provide

What Information Do I Need to Provide When I Apply for Home Energy Assistance?

Documentation required for your Home Energy Assistance Program Application

Below is a list of the required documentation you will need for your Home Energy Assistance Program application, piease review and click the “More Details” links for information about each type of documentation required.

  • Picture Identification for the person who applies.+ More Details
  • Citizenship or Qualified Alien Status for household members.+ More Details
  • Proof of income for everyone in your household 18 years or older for the past 30 days. If someone is 18 years or older and a full-time student, bring a letter from their school/college. + More Details
  • For renters, a recent copy of your lease, or for homeowners, your mortgage statement and/or property tax or homeowners bills.
  • Your most recent primary heating bill and electric bill. + More Details